Thursday, February 25, 2010

A list to begin

Scott and I have begun assessing the needs we will face being on the road. Several are already apparent: new sleeping bags, internet service cards, bicycle racks for the car, and these are just what we've come up with in the last few days. While not a huge list at this point (and we are trying to minimize our needs), there are other things that we have begun considering.

The list so far:

Consolidating and/or moving around checking accounts
Closing out a credit card so there is one less payment
Checking on direct deposit for my online teaching
Figuring out the student loan juggle
Looking into interim health insurance
Making sure the car is in top order: check plugs, tires, we'll need a new alternator, do we take the car topper, etc.

I'm realizing that there are a lot of things to think about here and probably so many that I haven't begun to consider.

And then, the inevitable question: When do we tell the parents about this adventure? How do you anticipate that reaction? They watched us struggle with the move to CO years ago but we are in a different spot. I have my BA and my MA, Scott is completing his BA, we have skills and experience. And, we have my part time jobs in the pocket.

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