Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A different tack

Dear readers,

After careful consideration of what this is and my difficulty in progressing along on this blog, I have decided to take a different tack.

The fact is, I have become entrenched in a sorrow that occurred this summer and, while it did play a major part of my life, there are a number of wonderful things that have happened.  In my coping with the loss of Joey, I have really struggled to move the blog along, as you may have noticed if you are keeping up.  It has become a spiral and it has been very difficult to move beyond.  However, over the last few days, I have begun to realize that many things are currently happening as I try to recount the events of the summer and I don't want to lose these.

So, here's the plan:  I am going to tackle this on several fronts.  I will begin posting about our life here in Portland (because this is, in fact, where we landed and have been living quite happily with numerous good fortunes) and continue to write about the summer trip.  This means more posts, more frequently, than you have been receiving.  I need this.  I have found the recounting of the days around Joey's death to be very cathartic but I also feel the need to explain how lucky I (we) are and how truly happy I am with my life right now.  I am a very blessed girl to have been able to do the things we have done, to have known the people I have, and to be able to continue on.  I'm not "moving on"; that holds implications of a break up and I don't know that you really "move beyond" someone when they pass away.  The simple fact is that I am continuing on.

Thank you for being patient as I have worked through this on the blog.  What I had not originally planned to be an intimate thing has become so, quite unexpectedly.  And that is fine and I am fine with that.

Keep watching.  More posts to come.

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