Thursday, February 13, 2014

In praise of expletives

Today, I want to punch Thursday in the face. Seriously.

It's one of those days when I just feel worked over. Everything's wrong; everything's frustrating. I want to curl into a little ball with a blanket over my head and a bottle of wine because a glass just won't do.

It is a day when curse words, those blessed little four letter words, are necessary and useful. Perhaps they aren't eloquent, and there are probably better options, but there has to be patience to find those, and make sense of them, and piece them together into coherency, and I don't have that today. I need the heavy, blunt force that curse words are. I need that shock, that zing that courses through the mind at uttering them not in that flippant, weightless way, but in that meaningfully needy way. There would probably be just a string of them, too. Not just a single curse, but each following closely behind the other--a hyphenated hand-holding kum-ba-freaking-yah of curses.

Those "soft" curses like I just pulled out don't cut it either, dammit.  Give me the hard stuff today.


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