Tuesday, March 26, 2013


That moment when it's all just gone to hell in a hand basket? When the rug's been yanked out from under? Light at the end of the tunnel is quite dim (if it even glows)? Welcome to my spring term.

Plans? On hold. That last post? Ugh. I can't even think of it at the moment because I am so overwhelmed by the fact that I am suddenly finding myself rather underemployed. That's the life of the adjunct/freelancer, I suppose, but, good grief, it's uncomfortable. I suppose all great change starts with discomfort. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway. I had a friend back at holiday tell me that I had some major karma coming from the gods of academia, but at the moment I feel smited (usage?) by them. And, yet, my little Sagittarian nature, the damn little engine that could that it is, just won't believe that. We Sags can be so ridiculously optimistic even when being pessimistic. It's annoying, even to us.

It's simply a shift, a change, I keep telling myself. Up, down, up, down. So, things have been put on hold for a bit until the bank account finds a bit more equilibrium. This is infinitely frustrating, and poor Scott has to deal with my nail-biting, broody, moody, fretting self for a while. Maybe it means that our plans need more time to incubate, marinate (see, that Sagittarian optimism coming through). Fingers crossed that this is very, very temporary!

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